The LEGO Fortnite Battle Bus (77073) is an awesome set, it not only captures the joy of the hugely popular video game, it also translate well into LEGO bricks!
So much so that I just had to have it in my City, Gregsville, the main question was how to show it off in all its glory. Do I have it on the road, transporting passengers to their destinations just like a regular bus or do I, wait for it…. mount it to the ceiling above my City, with Minifigures jumping out and gliding down?

Gregsville, so far…
I had to do the Battle Bus justice and there was only one way I could do that, so here’s how I went about suspending it from my garage ceiling and the bita & bobs I used to do so. If you are on the fence about grabbing the set, read our review here for an in-depth look at the build process and the many awesome Minifigures.
A sort of ‘how to’ guide:
I’m not the most hands-on of people and DIY often scares me, but I know how to use basic tools so here is how I went about hanging the LEGO Battle Bus. First of all I hopped onto Google to see how others have done it, there were many good results but nothing I could really base my vision on. In my simplistic mind I thought ‘how hard could it be‘ as I added fishing line and eyelets to my bracket and checked out.
I borrowed a drill and drill bit from my Dad and that weekend planned and executed my masterplan. I tapped the ceiling to make sure there were beams to screw into, made sure there were no cables near drill site and marked where I’d drill pilot holes.
After double and triple checking I finally went for it, holes were drilled and the eyelets screwed into place, they were longer than I needed but that didn’t matter as I did a thing!
The next thing to do was measure, cut and thread the fishing line through the eyelets and under the bus. This was relatively straightforward although deciding on how far down to dangle the Battle Bus was tough. Did want it too high so looked separated from. The City, but also scrapping the rooftops was a no no too, I think I got it just right, as I want to have Minifigures jumping out and in action poses underneath it.
I went one step further and popped narrow clear tubing, about 12cm long, onto the fishing line to help protect the undercarriage of the Battle Bus. This hopefully also helps with moving and removing it when I want to take photos and other scenes.
LEGO Fortnite add-ons:
To expand on the whole LEGO Fortnite theme in my City I’ve decided to MOC (my own creation) some additional items. I’ve yet to place them in and around Gregsville, including Loot Chests, Pickaxes, Gliders and Builds (walls). Having these dotted around should give on-lookers more details to find and link the LEGO Battle Bus to the City. I can’t wait to place these in my City, especially the Builds (walls), I think I’ll place them on the roof of a modular, overhanging the road below.
Unfortunately I’m terrible at making instructions, but the Gliders are based on the builds seen in the LEGO Fortnite game and are extremely easy to recreate. The other bits and bobs are also very simple and are basically thro together so again shouldn’t be to hard to build yourself. Once they are in the City I’ll make sure to update this page, so watch this space.
Do you have any suggestions of what to add to Gregsville, Fortnite relate or not. We love hearing from you and can’t wait to see what you put forward, use the comments section below.
What is your reaction?

Sadly we can’t help, we’ve looked around the usual online stores and it’s sold out everywhere, it doesn’t help that it’s a LEGO store exclusive too. Your best best is ordering it from LEGO and waiting.
Please be wary of scams and inflated prices.