Today I attended my first Make and Take event, located in the new Southampton LEGO Store.
Not really knowing what to expect I, somewhat nervously, went along. Now, to be totally honest, I was expecting there to be barriers and a queue to have already formed….nothing, nadda, zip!
So, I ventured inside the store and began to browse, occasionally looking around to see if anything was happening. I noticed a small bundle of bright LEGO coloured cubes in the centre, and a few staff members hovering around them.
When 6pm hit, the official event start time, they announced that the Make and Take was starting and to form an orderly queue along the right hand wall… It resembled, what I can only describe it as, a flash mob seconds before their secret routine started…Afols suddenly turned around and scurried to the wall to queue, from what seemed like out of nowhere!
We got handed numbers, I was no.9, not bad I thought, by the time I left they had got up to no.27.
Six people maximum at a time, which is fine with me, more time to look around and take in all that glorious LEGO.
My number was called up, they handed me my tub of pre-picked parts, and I started to build.
The build itself was quite straightforward, the structure was fairly simple with 4 dark grey pillars for the corners, grey baseplate as a base and 3 trans blue panels for the roof.
The shelving unit inside the news stand proved to be fiddly and took the most time to assemble, over half the time of the entire build!
Once finished the staff asked for some feedback, the one major point everyone seemed to agree with was chairs, we need chairs! Where I was placed to construct my build was slightly raised up, more so than the lower ones. This resulted in having to stoop for about half an hour, and being 6’4″ doesn’t help.
I think the event was well organised for the first one, obviously a few things to improve upon but all in all a very enjoyable evening, and with free LEGO, you can’t grumble at that!
A few photos of the LEGO news stand:
Thank you for taking the time to read about my Make and Take outting, please comment below if you have attended any LEGO events.
Instructions courtesy of
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