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A very respectable 25 submissions have made it into the third LEGO Ideas 2020 review stage. Granted it’s not as many as last time which was 35.

The period in which these 25 came from reached their goal of 10,000 supporters between September 2020 and today’s review qualification date, the 4th January 2021. Ideas hitting 10,000 supporters after today’s deadline will be eligible for the next review period instead that starts on the 3rd of May, 2021.

We’d like to wish all that are involved good luck!

Let us know which one(s) spark your interest in the comments below!

1. Boeing 737 Passenger Plane by BigPlanes-Customs

2. Colosseum (Architecture Style) by SkyWalter

3. Gravity Falls: The Mystery Shack by TopLego8 & Minibrick Productions

4. Brick Town Police Station by Bricked1980

5. Bag End by saabfan

6. Red Dwarf Starbug LEGO Idea by Bobs Vintage Bricks

7. Avatar: The Last Airbender – YIP YIP! by StudioTRico

8. Classic Castle by DERBOOR

9. Open MRI by Apollo Exconde

10. Motorized Lighthouse by Roses Must Build

11. Avatar: The Illuminated World of Pandora by bulldoozer

12. Spirited Away by legotruman

13. Jumanji of 1995 by NIKANA

14 The Little Venice by Bricky_Brick

15. Auto Union Type C Racecar by redera00

16. Automated Garbage Truck by MochiMaster & Alexander Hamsterton

17. TX Master Games by TXMaster

18. Milwaukee Art Museum by Vida András

19. The Car Wash by Bricky_Brick

20. Wallace & Gromit by Tom Gerardin

21. Among Us: The Skeld by MinifigInDisguise

22. Roman Warship by Iyan Ha

23. The Addams Family Mystery Mansion by Disneybrick55

24. GMC – Blue Chip 100 [1957] by Ing-Manuel

25. Viking Village by BrickHammer

For the official LEGO Ideas article click here.

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Hello there, I’m Greg, the founder of The Brick Post! Please join me in appreciating all things LEGO from news and reviews to MOCs and more!

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