For fellow Dutchies and maybe those in Belgium and Germany living in the area: my LUG will have it’s yearly brick show next week.
There will be plenty of great builds on display. Swan Dutchman will bring his Nefertiti build and Tutankhamun.
Meanwhile Barthezz Brick will show his full historic Venice display.
Next to these higlights there will be plenty more members displaying their builds in various themes. I’ve seen some great work in progress pictures from Castle layouts among other things.
On of our unique projects is a big (over 8 meters long) LEGO Friends MOC layout. A group of Lowlug members (including myself) have joined forces and we have been working on this for quite a while so we are very excited to show it to everyone.
The third editition of this annual event will take place in D’n Binger in Meijel. Opening hours are 10:00-15:00. Entry is €2. Baarlo Bricks will be selling LEGO at the event but it’s mainly an exposition. More information (in Dutch) can be found here.
Come say hi if you’re in the area!
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