Comments on: LEGO Boutique Hotel (10297) Modular Officially Announced! LEGO® Related News, Reviews, and More! Wed, 08 Dec 2021 07:50:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: DavidM Wed, 08 Dec 2021 07:50:39 +0000 Perhaps it will grow on me, but the angled building is really only appropriate for a matching street that is also angled. Built on a square corner it does not make sense, and the art gallery is like the answer to a question no-one asked; its more an art ‘kiosk’ than a ‘gallery’, too small to be realistic.

The rooftop area of the art gallery; what is the connection between that and the hotel? I may be wrong but I cannot see any linking door off that area. If so, then another aspect that does not make sense.

I have a feeling this will be bought by some who will use it as a basis for their MOC; fixing what Lego should have got right in the first place… The brick colors are nicely done. I would like to see this building sitting next to the Parisian Restaurant.
