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A new Reddish Orange Brick Costume joins the gang!

They first appeared in l CMF (Collectable Minifigures) Series 18, a Red Brick Guy and a Blue Brick Girl. These two instantly became popular and loved by most and rightly so, they were different and exciting, a LEGO Brick and Minifigure combined, what more could you ask for?

Following the surprise success LEGO issued a Green Brick Guy in CMF Series 20, again everybody rushed out to grab him and add to their small but growing collection of Brick People. Since then LEGO have dished out a few new colours via the BaM Stations found inside official LEGO stores, giving us fans even more colour choice. The BaM is centred on creating your own characters, this makes the newer set of Brick People different as you can essentially place any head and hair on them, their appearance isn’t set in stone so to speak, although there might be a general consensus as to which parts work best. The latest colour to hit the scene is Reddish Orange, as you can see below this shade looks great, it isn’t used much in sets, so having a Brick Costume in this colour is definitely something special.

You can build your very own Reddish Orange Brick Costume character at the BaM Station located in your local LEGO store. As you’d imagine the brick torso is compatible with other LEGO elements, obviously, making them great for attaching to the previous Brick People and including in your MOC (my own creation).

A lot of fans display them like us, connected in a line and perhaps giving a jolly wave. Please head down to the comments section and let us know if you collect these fun LEGO Brick Costumes, also which colour would you like to see next?

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Hello there, I’m Greg, the founder of The Brick Post! Please join me in appreciating all things LEGO from news and reviews to MOCs and more!


  1. hello!!!
    on the picture with all costumes brick available you forget the minifigure with costume brick blue adidas 😁

    1. Hi, I don’t include the Adidas Brick Guy as it is the same colour as the Blue Brick Girl, if it were a different shade I would.

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