A new rumour currently doing the rounds is that we could be getting a LEGO Icons Star Trek USS Enterprise set!
The set is speculated to be a Summer 2025 release and that’s where the rumour ends, no other information surrounding it is available currently. For rumours like this all we can do is speculate, so take it with a pinch of salt and don’t get your hopes up too much. It comes as a total surprise as the Star Trek license has been available exclusively to Mega Bloks/Mega Construx since at least 2016. Perhaps the license has expired or LEGO was able to negotiate a deal, who really knows at this time.
Would you be interested in a LEGO Star Trek USS Enterprise set? Let us know in the comments below.
What is your reaction?

I’m very interested. I should clarify though. I’m only interested if it looks amazing. And I’m more interested in the enterprise-D than the original.
If it’s anything’s like the Mega Bloks Enterprise, it’ll probably cost $1000, where the Mega Bloks one was only $200.
“Make It So”.
Is it going to be $1000 or $2000…?🙄
Definitely, as a lifelong Star Trek fan and Lego enthusiast. I’ll have tons of fun building it than hanging it up from the ceiling in my study
As a long time fan of Lego and Star Trek, I will dance with glee if this actually happens. Star Trek has so much material that can be given the Lego treatment. The Enterprise, the Galileo shuttle craft, a Klingon Bird of Prey, Romulan Warbird or even a little transporter pad. Let’s make it so!
Give us the Next Generation’s enterprise and crew please! Oh, and a Borg Cube!!
Yes! As a kid I made my own Lego NCC -1701 Retrofit and USS Reliant and would watch Star Trek 2, The Wrath of Khan, over and over again, breaking off pieces of the different ships during the battles to reflect the damage. I would love a more professional ship!
I’m cautiously optimistic. The structural engineering challenge in making these ships into sets can be seen in the attempts by UK company BlueBrixx. They could not make many of the ships beyond a certain size because the warp nacelle pylons are usually very thin and cannot support the weight of the nacelles.
I have the utmost confidence in the Lego designers to tackle this with great ingenuity, but I honestly don’t know how they’ll be able to achieve the structural stability necessary for playscale versions while also being faithful to the design proportions.
A movie era NCC 1701 or 1701-A would be the Lego set of my fondest dreams, but ONLY if it’s accurate and properly proportioned, and the only way that I can see them accomplishing that is via an almost fully Technic internal skeleton or giant one-piece pylons.
Here’s hoping it’s Technic!