LEGO Japan have revealed, via a tweet, a rather cool looking Tote bag which will be their next Summer GWP (gift with purchase)
The tote bag is completely transparent, so you can show off the goodies you have purchased. It features every logo LEGO has used right from the very start, it’s great to see the evolution of the now iconic LEGO logo.

LEGO Tote Bag
Unfortunately there aren’t anymore details yet as to how to get our hands on one and the spend band we need to reach. We believe it’ll be available in Japan LEGO Certified stores, Toy R Us and a couple of others.
It isn’t known if the rest of the World will be graced with this LEGO Tote Bag yet but I really do hope so as I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on one!
夏もあそぼう!レゴのサマーハッピーバッグ。レゴ社創立の1934年から現在まで進化してきたレゴのロゴをあしらった、夏らしいクリアトートに入ったアソートセットを販売!クリアトートはお出かけや収納にも大活躍です!#トートバッグ #福袋
— レゴ ジャパン公式 (@LEGO_Group_JP) July 16, 2020
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Did anything ever come from this? Was it ever released? Could I buy this online? What would I search to find this bag? Been after it for months with no luck! Help!
Hi, sadly this was a Japanese store release only, I don’t have any other information regarding it and there aren’t any available online to buy.