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Brand new Minifigure characters are available at BaM (build a minifigureStations Worldwide and include a Christmassy mix of new parts and prints.

The last lot that were available were randomly themed and comprised of several characters including a Gold-breaded Merman, Acorn Kid, Pastry Chef And others, click here for a quick refresher.

Having recently moved house, my new local store (Birmingham) is well over an hour and a half away. Thankfully a two fellow AFOLs (Adult Fan Of LEGO) helped me out and acquired this set of Minifigures on my behalf. Thank you @TwoGayAFOLs! If you’re in the same boat as me I would suggest joining several LEGO related Facebook Groups as some kind souls list new BaM packs for cost price.

The new BaM characters hit many stores 1st November and are available in most regions Worldwide. We have given them random and made-up names to make it easier to identify them, also the parts & accessories can be switched for any you like. Here is a closer look at them:

Santa (Dark Red Suit):

  • Dark red hat
  • White beard & moustache
  • Dark red torso
  • Dark red & black dual-moulded legs
  • Teddy bear

Winter Lady:

  • Pink hair
  • Big, red glasses
  • Blukue & white torso with snowflake print
  • Blue legs/skirt with sea design as above
  • Giant transparent blue snowflake

Snow Shoveller:

  • Russian-style hat in red
  • Sweating face
  • Fur-line jacket with black & white shirt torso and dark brown hands
  • Olive coloured legs
  • Shovel

As you can see there are a lot less out this time around compared to the last BaM outing, with three characters in total to add to the collection. I can personally see them all being quite sought-after, especially Santa in his new dark red suit.

As with all things LEGO, nothing is set in stone, all the parts above can be swapped for entirely different bits. Genders can be switched, colour combinations can be whatever you make them, and accessories can be random. Remember to have fun and enjoy your LEGO experience.

If you like the look of these characters they are available now at most LEGO stores BaM Stations, although I would recommend phoning ahead to confirm before heading in and even getting a pack or two put by for you to avoid disappointment. You can either make them yourself or some stores conveniently bundle them into packs and are often located near the till area.

Let us know in the comments what you think of these new Minifigures and whether you collect them or not, we’d love to hear from you.

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Hello there, I’m Greg, the founder of The Brick Post! Please join me in appreciating all things LEGO from news and reviews to MOCs and more!

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