Cast your mind back, if you will, to the start of this Year, when a certain book from DK was revealed – and a little Orange Space dude to boot!
The updated LEGO Minifigures Visual History Book from publishers DK coming October 2020 was widely accepted by all LEGO fans for one reason, it comes complete with an Orange Classic Spaceman Minifigure.
We’d like to share a preview of what’s to come when perusing this updated book.
It features the rarest and most popular Minifigures from the past 40 or so years, as well as providing some fun facts ablut our much beloved LEGO characters.
LEGO Minifigure A Visual History will be available this October and can be pre-ordered now from Amazon UK and Amazon US.
Whilst researching this book I stumbled upon an amazing deal over at A Great Read, if you don’t mind the money being taken right away then this is a steal at the price!