The LEGO Group wants to hear from in their latest survey regarding branded merchandised products!
The LEGO brand has grown in recent years and now includes and impressive range of homeware, clothing, stationery, books and plush toys. Taking the survey gives you a voice on what you want to see in the future from this range. Below are a handful of mock-up images to give you a taster of products could be like, including themed t-shirts, oversized LEGO parts and even a LEGO Goat plushie. Please note that these are fabricated images and don’t represent real products, sorry.
Take the survey now and have your say!
Official details:
We are excited to invite you to participate in a 15-minute survey about our licensed merchandise product offerings. At the LEGO® Group, we are constantly striving to innovate and expand our portfolio, and your feedback will play a crucial role in guiding our decisions.
This survey aims to understand your current shopping habits and preferences, alongside your insights on licensed merchandise concept ideas (non-brick products; clothing, books, storage solutions). Your responses will inform our team’s efforts to identify new business growth areas and enhance the LEGO® licensed merchandise portfolio.
We welcome any additional feedback or suggestions you may have regarding LEGO licensed merchandised products. All responses provided in this survey will be anonymous and used for research purposes only.
Thank you for your time in sharing your thoughts and opinions!
What is your reaction?