The Brick Post Minifigure Awards returns for 2024!
It has been another crazy year and we’ve had a lot of LEGO sets and Minifigures to build and collect. According to BrickSet there have been 998 Minifigures released throughout 2024, not a much as last year but wow that’s a lot, how on earth can we narrow it down to just one?
Previous years have proven extremely popular, with three of the winners having a hint of orange to them. We have been running these small but important awards since we started The Brick Post almost 5 years ago. We adore Minifigures and wanted to give shown them the love they deserve and pitting them against each other to ultimately decide who is Minifigure Of The Year 2024.
The Winner is:
The Dragonborn Paladin is the 2024 Minifigure Of The Year. The final three were so close it was hard to predict to the out come, with just a few votes between them it was anyone’s game. Thank you for voting, we truly appreciate your time and support. See you again next year, same place same time.
The Brick Post
Previous years winners:
Images and official names courtesy of BrickSet