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Here at The Brick Post we are all about LEGO and Brick related news, reviews and more. Occasionally we design our very own newspaper tile that gets printed by the team at Since we started, 1st January 2020, we have a total of 6 volumes, each with their own headline and milestone reference.


The Vol.1 tile celebrates the opening of the website and the date represents that. Vol.2 is the release of our Podcast, Vol.3 is a random headline based on a joke circulating at the time. Vol.4 is based on a hashtag that our good friend Mark (@brick_beat) was running at the time. Vol.5 is our long running hashtag #SigfigScene, that is still going today.

Our latest newspaper tile has a funnier headline this time around but as usual recalls a past event that means a lot to us. Our very own Det. Fluffbucket is still working a case called ‘The Toxic Sausage’ so this is a reference to that. Also included on the tile is when we hit 10,000 followers on Instagram, which in this day and age isn’t as big but we still find it amazing and we’re so grateful for the support.

These tiles won’t be for sale but they will be available in future competitions and giveaways so make sure to watch this space and to follow us on Instagram. The decision to limit their availability will hopefully make them somewhat sought-after and not too common in the Brick world.

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Hello there, I’m Greg, the founder of The Brick Post! Please join me in appreciating all things LEGO from news and reviews to MOCs and more!

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