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Since we started in 2020, we’ve dedicated our free time to sharing the latest LEGO news and reviews to our readers. Over the years we have also seen the growth of our social media channels too and with it a friendly community.

The aim has always been to bring readers closer to the LEGO action, be it by keeping everyone in the loop with latest releases, reviews of the latest sets and other fun and original content. To be recognised for this by a major website such as FeedSpot is absolutely amazing and it’s an honour to be listed alongside some big players too.

Entering 5th place in the FeedSpot list of Top 10 LEGO Magazines & Publications of 2024 is great and an extremely nice feeling to know that our hard work is paying off, becoming a go to place for LEGO news. So from us here at The Brick Post, thank you, we appreciate your time and support.

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Hello there, I’m Greg, the founder of The Brick Post! Please join me in appreciating all things LEGO from news and reviews to MOCs and more!

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