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Today’s review is from a set I built quite awhile ago, it was one of our Instagram livestream sets and I remember it being enjoyable but long for a small build. The build is from BlueBrixx, a German based company that pride themselves on compatible bricks and sets of all sizes and themes, but it’s their Pro range that I’m most interested in. One of them is from the world of RoboCop with the ED-209 (106892) set.

Set details:

The Box & Contents:

The box really captures your eye with it’s dark background, silver edging and futuristic lens flares and Cityscape. Around the edge you’ll find the company name, Pro theme labelling, set number, piece count (301) and of course the RoboCop branding. ED-209 is front and centre and just from the box art you can tell this is going to be a beauty to display. On the reverse of the box you’ll find a back view along with measurements.

Opening the box is a very different experience to the leading brand, the opening itself is the same but there is a cardboard tray that slides out. Of course the bricks and pieces are bagged, along with an instruction manual and printed parts.

The instructions feel premium when compared to others. Usually physical instructions aren’t included in other BlueBrixx sets, but the Pro range comes bundled with them which is great. The steps are similar to other brands in that a handful of steps are positioned on each page, sometimes there are smaller steps crammed into gaps.

The Build:

Although the bags are numbered, they all share the same number, 1. This means you basically empty every single bag out onto the table and start building. It’s not a particularly difficult build but finding the pieces was more taxing, due to every piece being grey, including the plinth.

The display stand part of the set is made up of bricks, tiles and a very cool printed plaque. Secured by studs, ED-209 is surprisingly sturdy when in the plinth, although I would avoid shaking it.

You start off building both legs and the joining groin section. These are straightforward and simple to put together, with hinged feet that clip into place, these have convenient openings underneath to connect to the plinth. Working your way up, the next part is the bulky head section, with it’s large black slope pieces that represent the visor/covering. This portion of the build was filled with nice techniques to obtain the slightly curved sides and chin.

The arms were last and popped into place thanks to the sockets imply earlier in the build. Each arm is different, once has missile attached to it whilst the other can be switched out for a battle-damaged look. I love how this ED-209 set looks, just as it did back in 1987 when we first saw it, I was wowed then just as I am now seeing it in brick form.

Having bought and built the OCP Police Cruiser (106895) at the same time, putting these two next to each other on display not only makes sense but looks badass too! I do feel ED-209 is aittle too big in scale but being the only real option is works and doesn’t stand out too much. It is clearly meant for display purposes as it comes with a brick base, but I couldn’t resist taking photos (see below) of ED-209 in my City, policing the residents in the terrifying way it does.

The only thing missing is a RoboCop Minifigure, which is a whole other kettle of fish and a wise decision to stay away from especially by an alternative brand. This is where a custom Minifigure company really comes into their own, enter Using genuine LEGO parts, they design and print many characters LEGO would never touch, including ones from movies treated 18.

Their RoboCop is the best one on the market and comes with full body printing and a gun accessory. Popping him in the display is a must as a RoboCop fan! Again the scale isn’t quite right but you have to agree they look awesome together. Pickup your a from, using our link automatically discounts your first order by 10%, get in!

Bluebrixx ED-209 & RoboCop

Thank you for reading through this reveiw of the BlueBrixx ED-209 (106892). It’s our third review of this brick company and so far we have had a great experience. Please let us know via the comments section below if you want more!

Sadly we don’t have an affiliate link or discount code but if you wish to purchase the set visit the official website here.

Bluebrixx ED-209 (106892)



Display Ability 10
The Box 9.5
The Build 8
The Cost (€19.95) 10

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Hello there, I’m Greg, the founder of The Brick Post! Please join me in appreciating all things LEGO from news and reviews to MOCs and more!

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