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Brick Mcbricksworth here back with another review, this time for the recent LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild The Galaxy Disney+ TV series!

WARNING: This review contains spoilers, if you haven’t seen the show yet, in its entirety, please stop reading. 

LEGO Star Wars Rebuild The Galaxy is a non-canon story on Disney+ and is available to watch right now. The story in a nutshell follows Sig Greebling, a Nerf-herder (yes Nerf’s are like space cows and he is a shepherd of sorts). He stumbles upon an ancient Jedi temple and events happen that cause the whole galaxy to transform into something much different. It’s then up to him to try and restore the galaxy to it’s original state. 

Dev and Sig Greebling

Sig and his brother Dev are Nerf-herders, living a quiet life on the planet Fennesa. They find out that Sig has use of the Force but is not trained in the ways of the Jedi nor is he brave enough to pursue his destiny. Dev however wants to be the hero of the day and is trying to convince his little brother to be so much more.
In episode one a storm hits and they both fall off a cliff, along with their Gonk droid named Servo, where they find an ancient Jedi temple below. They enter due to Sig’s convenient ability to use the Force. Inside they find a glowing brick wedged in the wall and Dev convinces Sig to take the glowing 1×1 trans light blue plate (LEGO piece geek alert!) all the while they are being watched by a mysterious hooded figure. 

The Cornerstone

Things start to go south as the temple begins to crumble around them. Dev manages to escape, but Sig, his droid and the hooded character are still  trapped inside the crumbling temple. This is where the story really begins, Sig wakes up and finds that his brother is now a Sith Lord!

Throughout the 4 episodes we see Sig battle his way through the new galaxy with the help of Jedi Bob (the hooded character from the temple whose full name is Bobarian Afol), and his friend Yesi Scala. Along the way they find that everything is mixed up in some way and there are potholes everywhere some are on purpose for the story some seem to be mistakes of sorts.

The Crew

One such is theTIE Fighters and X-Wings have melded into two different ships, which are currently available as real LEGO sets. The X-Wing has a TIE Fighter body and visa-versa. Some of you will notice the error here, bear with me, the X-Wing engines are on the wing and the TIE Fighter engines are an Ion engine on the back of the main ball-shaped body. So this means you have a TIE Fighter body and wings with two types of engine and an X-Wing body with TIE Fighter wings and literally no means of propulsion.

TIE-Wing abomination

Some of the characters that have been mixed up are rather fun to behold, the first of which is Clone Trooper Ackbar. Others include Darth Dev (short for Darth Devastator), Darth Rey, Darth Tico (Rose Tico as a Sith) and of course the one guy we all wanted to see Darth Jar Jar! The Sith rule of two does not exist in this galaxy.

There are mixups on the good side too in that we see Jedi Vader who is dressed in an all white suit and helmet, which looks surprisingly good. The other Jedi’s include Jedi Palpatine, Jedi Jabba and Jedi Lobot. There are others but I don’t want to give too much away, you’ll have to give it a watch.

One funny character is Maul, who is overly nice to the point of being suspicious. Also Luke Skywalker isn’t the grumpy Jedi Disney made him out to be in Episode 8. He is the cool beach surfer dude who only thinks about himself (at first).

There is one character who really breaks the mix up is Leia, she seems to be exactly the same Leia in both galaxies. Which in a way is the only real let-down with all the characters.

May the surf be with you

The story overall is surprisingly good and there are plenty of fun cameos and occurrences along the way. But this series turns in a way no one would expect which I think is actually fresh thinking on Disney’s part in that we find out by revelation that the galaxy can’t actually be made back in to it’s original version, we in fact find out the version we think is the original is actually an already re formed galaxy out of the original. So in a way Sig who has lost his home and actual brother (not the Sith version) actually can’t ever go back to the way his life was. This is somewhat dark for normal Disney writing but I have to say I really like it because it isn’t just the ‘hero saving the day just in time for tea‘ type of story.

Darth Dev

I easily give this 4 episode series a solid 9.5 out of 10 rating, as the Star Wars ‘what If…?’ feel was welcomed and executed really well. I just hope there will be more to follow and they don’t leave this where it currently ends. While there is some sort of closure to the end of the 4th episode, knowing things will never be the same somehow points to more. If the end scene is anything to go off where we see The Landolorian (Lando Calrissian as The Mandalorian) there will be more to follow.

True to LEGO animation style, this mini series is adventurous, fast paced, witty and a great watch for kids and adult fans alike!

Watch now on Disney+


LEGO Star Wars Rebuild The Galaxy Disney+


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