LEGO have released another series of CMF (Collectable Minifigures), but is the 24th outing worth picking up in its entierety or sticking to a select few? It’s the age old question that many LEGO fans face when a new series drops.
Personal preference is key here as ultimately it’s your choice, but as some characters prove hard to find and become sought-after, opting for a full set maybe the way to go ensuring you get the ones you want.
If you’re like me then LEGO stores are your savoirs, at least since the days of the pandemic, as usually staff members sort them into named bags so you can pop along to your nearest store and ask for a full set, and maybe a spare here & there!
Of you’re wondering what each character looks like and what they come bundled with then look no further, we bagged a full set and have taken some nice photos, to give you a better look and what to look out for, including parts, prints, torsos, and unique elements.
Starting off with one of my personal favourites, the Falconer. This Minifigure belongs to the Black Falcon Castle faction and comes complete with 2 accessories, a Bow and a Falcon, which happens to be a LEGO first.
The torso features the Black Falcon crest along with a chain decal which is meant to represent how the cap is attached. If you remove the unique fabric Cape you’ll see a printed one underneath it, pretty cool if you ask me, having two capes. The clothing details continue onto the legs, with a brown belt with silver buckle and a small pouch, either full of gold or Falcon treats.
The left arm is slightly different as LEGO have included the design of a leather glove/gauntlet, the ones that Bird of Prey handlers have. This is a very nice addition and shows that LEGO were paying attention.
The legs are also dual-mouldeda) owing for the character to be wearing boots. Overall the Falconer Minifigure has a lot going for it, not just because of the Falcon figure but the many cool printed parts, two facial expressions, cape and the general awesomeness that it radiates. It’s worth to be in anyones collection!
This particular character has grown on me quite a lot since building it, the fantasy element is great and the parts on offer look so cool.
As you can see from the image above the chunky sword looks battle damaged along with the shield that has an Orc Skull motif on it. These 2 elements are worth picking up this Minifigure as it is, but there is one more, the ripped Cape, this is an amazing piece to get in a CMF Series and can be used in MOCs.
The torso and legs are done incredibly well, using the Olive Green colour as a base. Straps, ropes, and other gear make up the design keeping it all inline with what the character represents. The hair piece on top is the icing on the cake, don’t let the Orc hear me say that, he’ll have me for dinner.
Robot Warrior:
I’m usually a big fan of these types of characters but this one just doesn’t ‘do it’ for me. Previous years we’ve had some great looking outer space Minifigures from Space Police to full blown Aliens. This one however lacks something and I can’t quite put my finger on what.
Don’t get me wrong there are some great prints and parts, for one the helmet looks badass, although plain, the design is cool and it stands out in a crowd. The torso and legs are in keeping with thenoveral look and feel of the character with a white base and Sand Green & Pink accents.
The gun is interesting too and a little on the cumbersome side. We do however get a load of Pink skates and Triangle motif 1×1 tiles. I’m not sure specifically what these could be used for but the MOCcers out there will come up with something I’m sure.
Rockin’ Horse Rider:
There isn’t much to take away from the character apart from the obvious Rockin’ Horse accessory, oh and the Unicorn torso, the rest is a generic collection of standard LEGO parts unfortunately.
It’s always great to get new prints especially on Minifigure elements, ever increasing the choice for us fans to make new characters or Sigfigs (signature figure). The Unicorn is a perfect choice for this young girl Minifigure, proudly sat on and enjoy her Rockin’ Horse.
I’d say the only reason to grab this particular character is purely for the Rockin’ Horse itself, not only is it a new mould and piece, it actually rocks back & forth too!
T-Rex Costume Fan:
The T-Rex Costume Guy is probably one of the most sought-after characters in the series, personally I’m not sure what the whole hoo-ha is about him, yes he’s a Dinosaur but as Minifigures go he doesn’t bring much to the table. Perhaps what is more exciting is the prospect of there being a Dino collection, a Triceratops in series 26, a Brachiosaurus in series 28?
To give it its dues the design, colour and printing is done well and it does look the part, complete with long sharp claws and a tail. One of a handful of Minifigures to have arm printing in this series so there is that as a plus point.
Another underrated Minifigure in the series, the Conservationist. There is a lot to like about this character and the parts you get, from the torso and legs, the cap & hair, oh and the cute Koala figure he’s holding.
Starting from the top, his cap & hair are a dual-moulded piece which we’ve seen before, just not in this particular colour combination. Printed on the front of the cap is the Animal Rescue logo, a Paw print that represents all animals. On the torso there is a small printed ID card/Name badge, the detail isn’t great but as that scale it’s passable. The arms are dual-moulded just like the legs, which feature two front pockets, perfect for storing Koala snacks.
Including animal figures in a CMF Series is a nice touch and makes the set more desirable. The Koala makes for a cute companion piece, clinging to his branch and keeping the Conservationist company.
If I were to rank these Minifigures in any order I’d have to bump this one up to nearer the top. In a surprising twist I actually really like this character and what it brings to the table, not just the terracotta bowl and cup!
The Potter has a lot going for it, the torso & legs that feature an apron covered in clay and home to many of her tools, head scarf, bowl & cup, and the brick-built Potters Wheel.
On of the few in the series to have a brick-built object, which in itself is very basic but looks the part. It doesn’t turn unfortunately but for the three pieces it takes to make it LEGO have done a great job.
This truly is one of the gems of the series and worth picking up.
Football Referee:
I can’t understand why this Minifigure gets such a bad rep, granted it isn’t great but there are a couple of good points about it that may persuade you to add it to the collection.
For starters there hasn’t really been a decent Referee character in LEGO form for awhile, so for all the Football fans out there it is a must, especially if you’re creating a MOC. Secondly the football element is definitely something you’ll want in your spares. I personally haven’t got a Football in my collection, until now of course.
The Neon yellow torso, complete with sports top details and a whistle print, does look cool, but besides from a Referee character the uses are limited.
Rococo Aristocrat:
A character I didn’t think LEGO would do, but here it is, an Aristocrat, complete with a hair style fit for a Queen!
Using the chunky skirt piece we’ve seen many times before, usually part of a Royal family member. The printing on the Pink torso continues nicely onto the puffed-up skirt and definitely looks the part, with the white frills and square cut collar.
Both the double-sided faces suit the character down to the ground and captures the Aristocratic style of that era. Combine that with the white bouffant hair and you have yourself a very exaggerated but beautiful character. The little Chihuahua dog is a nice side piece to include and very reminiscent of the era.
Carrot Mascot:
With the recent LEGO City Farm/Market inspired sets this character comes at a very apt time and captures the imagination of many fans who have purchased said sets, myself included.
The unique giant Carrot mould is both cool and practical, it most certainly looks the part, especially with the rubbery green top. The inclusion of the ‘Farmers Market’ sign suits the Minifigure so well.
But that’s not all, underneath his Carrot exterior lies a whole other figure, complete with Green dungarees and additional bright orange hair piece. Essentially a 2-in-1 character. I love it when LEGO do this, more bang for your buck!
Overall a superb Minifigure and one you’ll want to add to lineup for sure, he’s also ready to feel for, the giant Carrot is a big giveaway.
Newspaper Kid:
This little chap packs a big punch, in terms of look and accessories. Let’s start with the Flat cap, finally us LEGO fans have alternative head wear, great for all your flap cap wearers out there.
As facial expressions go this one is perfect, you can imagine him shouting out “Extra, extra, read all about it“. This is exactly what the Newspaper he is holding says, ‘Extra‘. Its hard to make out what the headline says but the image is of the Classic Policeman from series 18, perhaps its his birthday, or he’s cracked a case, whayever it is he made the front page.
The torso features brown braces, collar/button detail, and rolled-up sleeves on his arms. The design conto onto his legs as the braces are holding up his trousers, which have seen better days themselves, covered in patches.
He also has a brown satchel and a Dennis the Menace style catapult, again great accessories for a great Minifigure, another one of my personal favourites.
Brown Astronaut and Spacebaby:
Saving the best until last, some might say, as the LEGO Classic Spaceman holds a special place in many long term fans Hearts, and rightly so. The gang has recently started to gather its troops, with more colours being added, the latest addition, Brown Spaceman, brings with it perhaps something more incredible, a Spacebaby!
The Spacebaby incorporates the LEGO Baby body mould we’ve seen a handful of times already, it’s the new moulded head, helmet and airtank piece that is truly remarkable, it’s so tiny.
The Brown Spaceman itself is a nice addition to the lineup but there isn’t really much to say about it, all the elements are Brown, with the only print being the LEGO Space logo on the torso. They’ve even stuck to the old ways and kept the classic head design.
The accessory here is a baby monitor, which depicts the Spacebaby asleep, marked by the Zzz‘s on the screen.
Overall it’s perfect for the LEGO Spaceman fan boys amongst us, but that’s about it, sadly.
I hope you enjoyed reading about each Minifigure, the prints, parts, accessories, and brick-built builds they come with. LEGO have produced another cracking series of characters and I’m pleased to have had the chance to purchase and review them for you today. As always these and any other set I review was bought using my personal income, I pride myself on giving honest and true reviews. I really appreciate your time and support, thank you.
Do you purchase them separately or go straight for a full set? Let us know in the comments section below. We’d also love to know which one is your favourite or least favourite and why.

LEGO CMF Series 24
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