Throughout the year LEGO giveaway countless gifts, some are in the form of free Make & Takes and Seasonal promotions, whilst the majority of them are gifts with purchase (GWP). These are often bigger and better sets that require you to spend anything from £40 upto over £200!
Today’s set review is a GWP that some argue should have been available with the LEGO Jazz Club (10312), as the pair go hand-in-hand with each other, both having that vintage style. The last day to grab the LEGO Icons Moving Truck (40586) is 3rd March, free with spends of £160 ($/€180) or more. Read our review below to see if it’s worth picking up.
The Box & Contents:
Inside the box you’ll find 2 numbered bags, a small sticker sheet, an instruction manual and loose 2×16 plate. It’s unfortunate that stickers are used in a premium looking set, one that should have been given away with the LEGO Jazz Club (10312), it demands prints in my opinion, especially when trying to lineup the larger stickers on correctly.
I total there are 4 bags, 1 number one and 3 numbers threes. Once you see which bags make what you’ll realise why they decided on this setup, at first glance it doesn’t make sense.
The manual follows suit of the ‘no frills’ style branding, as I’ve said many times before I’m not against this and actually prefer it, especially in smaller, cheaper sets.
The Build:
To watch this set being built please head over to our Instagram page where we live streamed the whole thing whilst chatting to our followers. We usually stream on that platform once or twice a week, they’re great fun and we’d love to have you there!
As mentioned above the first bag builds the Furniture, that includes a Piano, Side-table, Jukebox and Picture Frame. These are all solid designs that would fit into any Building, MOC (my own creation) or Scene, although I’m not sure what a Jazz Club is in need of a Jukebox, perhaps that is for someone else?
The Piano is especially cool and looks the part, now this is something I can see fitting in a Jazz Club rather well, that as the framed Saxophone art. Believe it or not every piece of Furniture, including the sack-truck, fit inside the Truck, the LEGO Designers have really outdone themselves this time.
The three bags that make up the Moving Truck are next and ultimately finish the whole set. When constructing the vehicle the base is made-up in typical LEGO fashion. Couple of Technic wheel pins either end of a long plate, 4 wheel arches & wheels and so on. There is something slightly different however, a small tiled channel underneath the Trucks interior, this is home to a removable ramp, perfect for getting large & heavy goods in and out with ease, it then neatly slides back into its hole.
Adding larger bricks and panels to the rear builds up that section rather quickly, getting to the application of both large stickers that little bit faster, great. I’m not one to shy away from stickers, I also don’t faff about with the Brick Separator, good old fashioned fingers do the trick, checkout my live stream for proof, bosh!
Once the stickers are applied the front of the Truck is next, with a cool technique used for the front grille the vehicle is starting to come to life. Using 5 light grey dish pieces stacked on top of each other, the vintage style shape comes together nicely and it looks great. Tie it all together with the Red & White exterior and boom, the Moving Truck is complete!
Adding doors, a windscreen, wingmirrors, headlights, steering wheel and other smaller details the Truck is ready for a hard day’s work, we just need Minifigures to get the job done.
The Minifigures:
There are 2 Minifigures included in the set and they are both great, as depicted on the box the Female character drives the Truck. She is sporting blue dungarees/overalls, complete with a white undershirt. She has Strawberry Blonde hair and two expressions, one worried and the other a more timid look.
The Male character has a slightly comic look to him, well one of his expressions is funny, the look of pure concentration on his face. This has appeared in quite a few sets recently and also in BaM (Build A Minifigure) Stations found in LEGO Stores. It has fast become one of my favourite expressions LEGO has ever done!
The other expression is more happier with a big grin. He is wearing a Green jumper and Light Blue shirt, the legs are plain grey but suit his overall look well.
Overall thos GWP set, LEGO Icons Moving Truck (40586), is worth picking up, especially if you can find it on the secondary market.
The Truck itself is a fun little build and looks great as a self contained set, stick it next to the LEGO Jazz Club (10312) and you’re onto a winner!
I particularly like the side-builds and think they’ll be very useful in future MOCs and scenes. Having two Minifigures is a nice touch, one to drive the truck and the other to load it, or try to anyway. There isn’t anything exclusive in the set but that’s OK, it’s a fun build with a lot of character.
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LEGO Icons Moving Truck (40586) GWP
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