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When it comes to entry-level LEGO you can’t go far wrong with Marvel. These £8.99 ($9.99) sets are great for the intended younger fan but also serve up something special for us AFOLs.

My young Son (5) loves anything & everything Superhero related and these small but mighty LEGO Marvel Mechs are ideal for him. Having bought the first three (Iron Man, Spider-man, and Thanos) last Year, I knew instantly that both he and I would love them.

For the older fan it’s a great way to grab an exclusive Minifigure or two. In this series we get a rather cool Miles Morales Minifigure, complete with matching Hood piece (more on him later). 

Before that let me start with all three builds and what I found fascinating about them.

The builds:

LEGO Mech Armour 76168, 76169, and 76171

LEGO have introduced three more Mechs into their small but very enjoyable sub-theme. Each build shares very similar construction techniques, the main body being the most obvious one.

The body of each Mech has to accommodate a Minifigure and therefore needs to be a certain width & height, and include a fastening point in order to keep the host secure. The whole structure hasn’t changed from the first line of Marvel Mechs, with the ball & socket joints used in every leg, arm, and wrist bend.

The usual Mech-suspects

Thor’s Mech looks the chunkiest, with the added sin mass and shoulder capes, it looks as though it can produce powerful hits, especially with that oversized hammer!

Thor’s ride

When Thor hops in he has a handy place to store Mjölnir (his hammer), it simply clicks into place on his left sin. Does that mean the the Mech’s hammer takes all or shares its power, who knows.

The hammer itself looks really cool and is designed well for something with only a handful of pieces. It uses fives stickers with four of them being the same design on each side, to represent its lightning attack.

Hammer time

It securely fastens to the Mech’s hand via a Technic pin on the shaft to a socket in the palm. It’s very sturdy and works a treat!l, such a great feature!

The Captain America Mech looks a little more agile and ready to sptlring into action at a moments notice. Again it features the same construction method as the others, with the exception of the hands & fingers. As Cap’ doesn’t need to hold a whopping great hammer he can afford to have smaller fingers. There is a reversed 2×2 circular plate on the back of his left hand which allows you to attach his oversized shield to!

The Captain’s ride

The fully printed shield is huge and it looks stunning fixed to his back or on his arm. The inclusion of a Minifigure scale shield is also a nice touch as when Cap’ hops out of his Mech he can continue to protect himself. Again it clips nicely onto the back of one leg for easy storage.

To serve and protect

Miles Morales is a fairly new addition to the LEGO theme and has proven to be a fan favourite, so it’s only right that he gets his very own Mech!

Morales’ ride

We’ve already had a Spider-man Mech, from the first wave, but this one is so much cooler with it’s black frame and dark grey and red accents.

Basically the same setup bar the feet, they’re one whole stud less in width than the other two. My guess is that Miles is a younger hero and so his Mech is a tad small, making it way more agile to match Spider-man’s flexibility.


It’s also covered in Web elements, which can be used at a moments notice. The one that clips into the palm of his hand is great and just the right size compared to the Mech. It depicts a Web being shot out and either ready to attack or swing out of harms way.

All there have something in common and that’s the Mech chest pieces, they are such a great element and mould. There are four studs dead-centre which are for the characters insignia. Captain America has his shield logo printed on a 2×2 circular tile, while both Thor and Miles Morales have printed 2×3 angled shield tiles.


As a whole the collection (wave 1 & 2) looks great on display, even if Thanos is clearly outnumbered. Keeping them consist has definitely paid off and I honestly can’t wait to see what LEGO does next. I’d love to see a Deadpool, Wolverine and maybe a Magneto Mech!

It’s Mech time!

The Minifigures:

When it comes to Minifigures I’m a sucker, I love ’em! I have a growing collection of Marvel, amongst other themes, and adding the three we get here was most certainly a must. Thor, Captain America, and Miles Morales Spider-man.

We don’t just get one exclusive here, all three Minifigures are either unique combinations or, as Miles Morales goes, completely new!

Three’s a crowd

Thor’s up first and granted we’ve had this particular torso and helmet in other sets the combination here is new and so an exclusive to this set. After scouring Bricklink for the sets each comes in the helmet is in fact a new piece, which is great for collectors and fans alike!

Thor’s torso – Front & back

As always the printing is done really well and to a super high standard. Although here they could of perhaps left the red Cape detail off as he doesn’t come with a Cape in this set. Other than that Thor’s torso is great, with his iconic circular chest plates and gold rings etc.

Captain America is also a new combination of elements never seen before. His helmet was in a set from last year but as a while the combination seen here is new, so once again its an exclusive Minifigure to this set!

I particularly like this style of helmet, opposed to just the head being printed, it gives the overall Minifigure a more finished off feel.

Red, White, and Blue

The Captain America Minifigure has one of my all time favourite designs, his iconic Star, blue tactical mesh covered suit, and of course the cowl. It’s just such a cool Minifigure!

Miles Morales is definitely the one to grab out of these three LEGO sets, and for very good reason too.

Being entirely an exclusive Minifigure should be reason enough but if you need more convincing than that just look at the head, hood, torso, and legs – Wait that’s the whole Minifigure – that’s right, the whole thing is stunning, from top to toe!

Cool jacket bro

The dual-moulded legs (grey & black) suits Miles’ clothing from the Sony movie (Into the Spider-verse) and the comics, along with his red hoody. The Spider-man suit bursts through as though he’s just about to spring into action and fight crime.

It features his unique Spider logo too on the front, and on the back a pair of cool looking eyes, which are very Deadpool-esque, stare back at you.

The whole Minifigure oozes coolness and so it should, Miles is one of the greatest things to happen to modern day comics and movies in a long time. Don’t get me wrong Spider-man is da man, but it’s just so nice to have a break from the norm and be presented with a new character and ultimately a Minifigure to collect!


The price, parts, builds, and Minifigures make all these sets extremely worth while.

Not only are they brilliant for the intented age group but as like all LEGO they’re great for everyone and offer seasoned collectors something in return, a unique or exclusive Minifigure!

I truly hope LEGO continues to add to this range as there are numerous other characters they can include. Deadpool and Wolverine would be amazing.

Builds are straightforward and simple and use roughly the same techniques so if you decide to purchase all three and build in one sitting you’ll get the hang of some parts and be building ahead of the instructions.

A Thanos beat down!

Thank you for reading our review of the latest LEGO Marvel Mechs to hit the shelves. They’ve have all been really enjoyable to make, photograph, and review.

If you’d like to know more or have any questions/comments please leave them below.


LEGO Marvel Avengers Mechs - 76168, 76169, 76170


The price, parts, builds, and Minifigures make all these sets extremely worth while. Not only are they brilliant for the intented age group but as like all LEGO they're great for everyone and offer seasoned collectors something in return, a unique or exclusive Minifigure! I truly hope LEGO continues to add to this range as there are numerous other characters they can include. Deadpool and Wolverine would be amazing.  Builds are straightforward and simple and use roughly the same techniques so if you decide to purchase all three and build in one sitting you'll get the hang of some parts and be building ahead of the instructions.


Builds (Mechs) 9
Cost (£8.99 ea) 10
Minifigures 10
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Hello there, I’m Greg, the founder of The Brick Post! Please join me in appreciating all things LEGO from news and reviews to MOCs and more!

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  1. […] prize maybe small but it sure is mighty, Thor’s Mech (76169), new and […]

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