/With January fast approaching and with it a plethora of new LEGO sets to finally quench our thirst, one set stands out the most, a set which boasts not one but two very cool Minifigures and a certain someone’s sweet ride. That’s right, I’m talking about the new Mandalorian Minifigure in his Beskar armour, Grogu, and the Mando’s speeder bike!
I managed to find this LEGO set out in the wild on Christmas Eve at my local The Entertainer toy store. I had been hearing rumours that this particular toy chain were putting new stock out early, as another lockdown was imminent, so I thought I’d head out to try my luck. As I scoured the shelves I thought I had missed out, I was several new LEGO City sets, some new road plates, but nothing Star Wars, until I looked behind a set that was put back in the wrong place, and there it was, in all its LEGO Mandalorian glory, its mine!
Review time!

Trouble on Tatooine 75299
The build:
There are three builds that make up this set, a hutt, crossbow, and speeder bike.
I could be very harsh and say two out of the three aren’t needed and simply act as a way to up the price, but I won’t as I actually like each build for what it is and glad that LEGO included them.

We’ll start with the Tusken Raider’s hutt, which is surprisingly well designed.
It features five segmented pieces that attach to each other to form a curve with the end result looking quite good. It has that ridge tent/marquee look to it and it suits the desert & Tusken Raider feel.

Open plan
Inside are two seating areas which could easily be beds, being a tent. The centre column is free standing and doesn’t actually clip onto anything, it would of made sense to secure it somehow.

Nice angles
Outside is a campfire, complete with a pan and bone. I particularly like the use of parts that make up the fire, the brown coloured cog/wheel works really well in representing wood on the fire.

Moving onto one of the Tusken Raider’s most fearsome weapons, the ballista!
As seen on TV, well on the Disney+ streaming service to be exact, in the very first episode of season 2. Mando is enlisted to takedown a giant worm creature that is terrorising the locals. With the help of a band of Tusken Raider’s and their ballista they can’t be stopped.

Me and my ballista
The build process is quite straightforward and not a lot seems to go into it. There are four arms and they attach to the main body via two bendy rods, which act as the pullback/kenetic part of the crossbow.

Ugly backside
When it comes to the actual projectile it’s simply a LEGO spring-loaded shooter plonked on top, there’s no attempt to hide it other than two small circular pieces over hanging it slightly. It wouldn’t have taken much to disguise it somewhat, perhaps a 1×4 brown tile.
As mentioned above these builds could of easily been left out, that being said and after building each one I can safely say that I don’t think this set would of been enjoyable without them. It transforms an episode of The TV show into a playable model, with weapons and a place to live and hide in. It truly does add something to an overall great set!
The Minifigures:
Now for the main event, the reason why us AFOLs are going nuts for this set, the new Baskar Armour Mandalorian Minifigure and Grogu (a.k.a The Child)!

The three amigos
To date the only way to get ahold of Grogu and the original style Mando Minifigures is to buy the LEGO Razor Crest set (£119.99) as it comes with both, to obtain Mando by himself you’re looking at spending £49.99 on the LEGO Raider AT-ST set. Both options are quite pricey, although you do get some amazing builds with them.
This new set, LEGO Trouble on Tatooine 75299, will set you back a relatively small amount, £27.99, compared to the above mentioned options.

It’s Mr Mando to you!
The Mandalorian is sporting his rather fetching Beskar Armour, which is long over due if you ask me. We’ve waited a long time to get this Minifigure and let me tell you it was well worth the wait, it looks stunning!
LEGO hardly ever produce arm prints so when I first saw the Mando Minifigure laying on the table, after opening the box and bags, it took me by surprise. It’s so good to see arm prints and for this particular Minifigure it is most definitely a requirement. In order to polish off Mando in all his Beskar glory the arms needed something on them, LEGO got it spot on, 100%.

You put your left arm in…
Each design features crisp lines and highly detailed prints, from the bullet belt and pockets to the knee pads and arm braces.
As part of the Mandalorian kreed his can’t show his face, and just like the previous Minifigures he has a blank head, in order to remain faceless. If you’ve seen every episode to date you kind of wonder why LEGO don’t just include a real printed head, as he tends to remove his helmet a hell of a lot.

Grogu, I am
Baby Yoda, oops sorry, Grogu, is another Minifigure that I don’t currently own, due to me not having time to crack open my LEGO Razor Crest yet. So this is truly my first in counter with him.
The first thing that strikes me is just how small he is, yes I’ve had baby figures before but it still gets me to this day the size of them.
His head is nicely detailed with his species well-known wrinkles and wide dark eyes. The body is like any other standard baby figure and too small to really be useful.

Daddy Mando?
The printing on the torso is somewhat lacklustre and not really worth the effort. You can just make out the shape of his coat and the collar outline. It’s nice to have printed pieces but only if it adds something to final product, this doesn’t unfortunately.

Tusken Raiders for the win
Possibly the least favourite in this set, OK it IS the least favourite in this set, and maybe others for that matter.
Although it’s nice to build up armies of a certain Minifigure this one can stay in the box, personally speaking. We’ve had so many Tusken Raiders in previous Star Wars set, in inevitable, just like year on year we get multiple X-Wings and Land Speeders, we can’t get any from them!

Hi, I’m Terry, Terry Tusken
I do however appreciate the the design and printing on both the torso, legs, and back. The front features multiple pouches, maybe he carries everyone’s lunches, know knows.
The moulded head is great and suits it well, I couldn’t imagine it any other way. It would be down-right freaky if they came with ordinary LEGO heads.
All in the Minifigure is good, not my cup ‘o tea but I can see why people go for them. I have a few of these now so I can safely say I’m done, no more please, at least for a while!
Getting ahold of this set early was definitely lucky and I appreciate it a lot. It definitely is a standout set that has a lot to offer, from the three builds to the three Minifigures.
Each build if good but the the real star build is Mando’s Speeder bike, man does it look good!
The Minifigures, all bar one, are fantastic Mando and Grogu are great and having Beskar Armour Mando finally I’m my collection it beyond words. Thank you LEGO.
Is this on your wishlist for when 1st January rolls around or do you already have it? Let us know in the comments below.

LEGO Mandalorian: Trouble on Tatooine 75299
Getting ahold of this set early was definitely lucky and I appreciate it a lot. It definitely is a standout set that has a lot to offer, from the three builds to the three Minifigures. Each build if good but the the real star build is Mando's Speeder bike, man does it look good! The Minifigures, all bar one, are fantastic Mando and Grogu are great and having Beskar Armour Mando finally I'm my collection it beyond words. Thank you LEGO.
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