#SigFigScene is a new adventure by ourselves and good friend Brick Beat. It encourages you and your SigFig (you in LEGO form) to get involved with the LEGO community by placing yourself in other sets or scenes every Wednesday.

For example, you could be having coffee with F.R.I.E.N.D.S at Central Perk, invading a Castle with Knights, attending an Avengers meeting, the possibilities are endless.

So grab your SigFig, pop them in a scene, use #sigfigscene on Instagram and Facebook and hey presto, you’re one of the cool kids! For extra credit you could tag us, @thebrickpost and @brick_beat.

For help with creating your own SigFig, please take a look at our own comprehensive guide here.

Head over to our Instagram page and find out about our latest contest, #festivesigfigscene!

We have a little watermark which you can add to your final image if you wish, pop it in a corner and away you go. Download it below:


Once we get a few partakers we’ll share them all here. Featured on The Brick Post website, life goal reached!


Hi readers – it’s me thebrickbheanie back again with some dino-mite news! I have created a great fun new hashtag that is – #dinofunfridays!

Dinfunfridays takes place every friday and simply consists of posting something dinosaur themed or a dinosaur incorporated into a scene and adding the hashtag #dinofunfridays so that i can see your amazing dinosaur content each friday and share it with the rest of the lego community.

A dinotastic sticker can be found on the website too for you to add to your posts! So be sure to join in and have a grrreat time.

Other Hashtags:

Myself (Let’s Brick It) & boombrickz are hosting a new fun way to test and practice your photography by taking a minifigure of any theme into the outside world and taking some amazing photos. Wether their in battle, taking a stroll down the road, climbing trees, plants etc. if you wish to be even more legendary you can take some action shots, it’s completely up to you. So join us every Tuesday using hashtag #figtographytuesday and tagging myself and boombrickz.

If you wish to add the sticker to your entry you can find it below simply download and add to your posts.

We look forward to seeing what you all come up with.