Ed Sheeran ➕➖🟰➗✖️ – The Brick Post! https://www.thebrickpost.com LEGO® Related News, Reviews, and More! Thu, 14 Dec 2023 22:00:55 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.thebrickpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/TBP_Logo_Black_Fav-100x100.png Ed Sheeran ➕➖🟰➗✖️ – The Brick Post! https://www.thebrickpost.com 32 32 The Brick Post’s LEGO Ideas Feature Awards: Round 1, day 3! https://www.thebrickpost.com/lego-ideas/the-brick-posts-lego-ideas-feature-awards-round-1-day-3/ https://www.thebrickpost.com/lego-ideas/the-brick-posts-lego-ideas-feature-awards-round-1-day-3/#respond Thu, 14 Dec 2023 22:04:42 +0000 https://www.thebrickpost.com/?p=33781 With 32 entries left after the qualifying round, we’ve divided round 1 of our  LEGO Ideas Features Tournament in 4 days. Each day will see 4 battles. The head to head battles were picked by an online random draw tool, to prevent any bias from sneaking in.

But first let’s get into yesterday’s Round 1 results:

Battle 5: Kenan & Kel 23% vs The Very Hungry Caterpillar 77%

Battle 6: Google Chrome T-Rex Runner 9% vs Moon Palace 91%

Battle 7: Small Shrimping Boat 57% vs Italian Riviera 43%

Battle 8: Welcome To Narnia 69% vs Wallace & Gromit 31%

The winner of battle 5 will face the winner from battle 6, winner battle 7 against winner battle 8 etc in Round 2.

So what are today’s battles? You can click the titles to visit our original feature and read the progress of the projects below. Be sure to visit our Instagram stories to vote on the battles.

Battle 9: Woodland Wildlife vs The Cube Houses Of Rotterdam

Woodland Wildlife by Brickicist

With over 4.700 supporters there’s still plenty of life in this project. And 534 days to get to the next milestone there’s plenty of time to show your support on LEGO Ideas.

The Cube Houses Of Rotterdam By Jheewee

With just over 1.400 supporters and less than 180 days left is still looking for more support to make it to the next milestone in time. So be sure to give it your support over here!

Battle 10: Ed Sheeran ➕➖🟰➗✖ Tour vs Traditional Luthier Workshop

Ed Sheeran ➕➖🟰➗✖ Tour By Brick_Beat

Ed Sheeran already has over 1.400 fans attending this performance. You can get your ticket to this exclusive performance right here! There’s 491 days to go to get to the next milestone.

Traditional Luthier Workshop by Mecesoo

Over 1.800 supporters are already anticipating the opening of this workshop, wit 466 days to go. Get in line here to be among the first ones to get your instruments here.

Battle 11: Stud Lane Book Nook vs The Ladies Outpost

 Stud Lane Book Nook By LordSquish

This entry has made it into review earlier this year, fingers crossed we will see it on the (book)shelves in the future! But first of all, let us congratulate LordSquish on this achievement!

The Ladies Outpost By Brick_Piso89

With over 1.500 supporters and just over 550 days to go, this project could use some support to get to the next milestone. So be sure to visit the LEGO Ideas site and support the project over here.

Battle 12: Maximum Goat vs Forest Base

Maximum Goat by Pezzz

So this was the first Ideas entry I featured when I started contributing to The Brick Post. Since then the project has gotten close to 1.850 supporters already. And there’s still just over a year left to get the Greatest Of All Time into the next stable. Just go here to show your support as well.

Forest Base by Iyan Ha

This project has managed to gain 10.000 supporters and is set to get into the next review round. We’d like to congratulate Iyan Ha on this awesome achievement!

So who will win these battles? That’s up to you to decide! Head over to our Instagram stories and vote for your picks!

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LEGO Ideas Feature: Ed Sheeran ➕➖🟰➗✖️ Tour By Brick_Beat https://www.thebrickpost.com/lego-ideas/lego-ideas-feature-ed-sheeran-tour-by-brick_beat/ https://www.thebrickpost.com/lego-ideas/lego-ideas-feature-ed-sheeran-tour-by-brick_beat/#respond Sat, 26 Aug 2023 06:56:45 +0000 https://www.thebrickpost.com/?p=30386 Today’s LEGO Ideas feature is a little closer to my heart than others as it was made by a good friend. Mark, a.k.a Brick_beat, has produced and shared his very first Ideas project based on one of his favourite performers, Ed Sheeran!

Ed Sheeran is one of my favourite artists, so I wanted to create something I could keep on display. – Mark

Titled Ed Sheeran ➕➖🟰➗✖ Tour, the idea stemmed from needing a display option for the custom Ed Sheeran Minifigure by Minifigs.Me (10% discount link). Using several other elements from them including the many speakers dotted around the stage area, the whole build looks stunning.

If you’ve ever seen Ed Sheeran live, be it in person or via a video, you’ll know that he has an amazing technical setup, with foot pedals and loop machines. Mark has captured that in his build and to great effect. Showing a section of the stage and having it all tightly packed into the space given it really works well, your eye is ultimately drawn to the Ed Sheeran Minifigure first, then you realise the many details and album covers lined up along the back.

I’ve recreated his album artwork as mini designs and displaying them in order of release…
➕✖➗ 🟰 and his current album ➖
I also tried to highlight his classic look with his guitar, keyboard, double mic and loop pedal. – Mark

Each album cover is brick-built and represents Ed Sheeran‘s discography. Mark’s love of LEGO Mosaic making really shines through here with the album covers basically being small mosaics, finished off with tiles to create a smooth, image quality, look.

The items on stage help to flesh out the build and bring it to life further, including a brick-built Keyboard, Microphones, Speakers, Rigging, Spotlights, raised floor and Stage area. Using LEGO lattice plates and small grille elements as the stages floor is interesting, it works extremely well and adds so much to the build overall.

Being tightly and neatly kept within a small foot-print area, this ultimate Ed Sheeran display piece will fit comfortably on any shelf or slot into any display area.

I believe this would make a great LEGO set and gift for any Ed Sheeran fan or even Ed himself! – Mark

Custom Ed Sheeran LEGO Minifigure and Guitar by Minifigs.me

Custom Ed Sheeran LEGO Minifigure and Guitar by Minifigs.me (10% discount link)

We would like to wish Mark (@brick_beat) the best of luck in gaining the required 10k support. If you like the look of this idea and would like to give your support, please use the links below. Registration is free to LEGO Ideas and only takes a minute, so head over there now and do your part!

Official LEGO Ideas page:




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